Top 7 AWS Cloud Security Issues
I don’t think AWS needs any introduction today. Using the same, you get control and assurance that is required to safely operate your organization. Not ondoes it benefits you with data centres but also offers a network designed to safeguard your data, identities, apps, and devices. With AWS, you can improve your ability to adhere to fundamental security and compliance standards, including those pertaining to data localization, protection, and confidentiality.
AWS lets you focus on expanding and growing your organization by offering to automate manual security activities. Additionally, you only pay for the services that you utilize. But there are some issues too with this most secured cloud computing service provider. These issues can be fixed with some consideration, which we are going to talk about in this blog.
Without realizing it, even seasoned IT teams can install AWS systems in a way that poses major risks for future security concerns. Of course, nobody wants it to occur. A whole enterprise security architecture may be undermined by security flaws, providing hackers and online criminals access to your network, IT infrastructure, apps, websites, email, and a variety of other internal systems.
Let’s check out the top seven AWS cloud security issues listed below, along with their fixes.
1. Insufficient Permissions and Encryptions
Using the Simple Storage Service (S3) infrastructure, usually referred to as S3 buckets, is a storage and retrieval option available inside AWS. Users have the option to build a bucket in a particular area (anywhere in the world), and then rapidly and inexpensively upload the data to it.
The issue, though, is that it is far too simple to make a private bucket public. This implies that anybody who has an AWS account, even anonymous users, may access it. In 2018, Symantec discovered that owing to improper configuration flaws, seventy million buckets were accessible, had data taken from them, or had both.
Solution: Checking that an S3 bucket is private during configuration or that rights have been properly granted to specified users or groups, especially if you are keeping any sensitive data within this bucket.
2: Accidentally making Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) public
Each component required to start an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance is included in Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). AMIs provide with everything you would need to duplicate an elastic cloud storage solution that a business already uses (e.g., the operating system, server, and applications).
It is sadly simple to accidentally make an AMI public, which leaves your business extremely open to security risks. Even sharing inside an AWI catalogue is possible with anybody who has an AWS account, which may put confidential information in the public realm.
Solution: The best approach to prevent what might be a costly, humiliating, time-consuming, and embarrassing mistake and security blunder is to make sure an AMI is set to private during the setup step.
3: Identity and Access Management (IAM) given too much control/access, indirectly
Users may configure and give, control, and remove access to AWS accounts and services using Identity and Access Management (IAM).
However, access may be established wrongly, providingthe wrong individuals excessive authority or access to critical data they should not have, making it one of the most frequent Amazon cloud concerns.
Solution: There are unquestionably some AWS cloud security best practices that need to be closely watched and assessed by a reliable development and security partner to make sure the proper people have the necessary rights to uphold security standards inside the Enterprise.
4: CloudTrail logging disabled, or not enabled
Every API request that is performed to their account is tracked and monitored by Amazon CloudTrail. It logs every record before putting them all in the appropriate S3 bucket.
You never know where API calls are coming from since, sadly, too many users either ignore or forget to enable this service.
This poses a severe threat to AWS cloud security since you may be experiencing a DDoS attack without knowing it and without knowing the source of the assault.
Solution: One of the most important AWS securities advice is to keep CloudTrail activated or from being disabled, and to routinely monitor the API data logs.
5: S3 buckets logging disabled, or not enabled
Like the AWS security issue, if S3 bucket logs aren’t enabled or have been disabled, your AWS account has a potentially catastrophic security flaw (s).
Solution: Logging must be manually enabled, and it is always advised to frequently monitor the data and security logs for all S3 buckets.
6: Not enough IP addresses enabled within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Administrators of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) infrastructures, such as VPNs, must configure enough IP addresses to permit access to the VPN or VPC by anybody who requires it.
Too many open and set ports might be a problem in and of themselves, while not enabling enough could prevent individuals who require more protection from connecting to the VPN.
Solution: To prevent a VPN and everything contained and communicated within it from becoming public, IT and cloud admins must make sure any VPC or VPN environment is set according to who requires access, with the appropriate permissions and security monitoring in place.
7: Network Access Control List (NaCl) allows too much inbound traffic
Another optional layer of AWS security called a Network Access Control List (NaCl) can regulate traffic entering and leaving a subnet of a network, such as a VPC or VPN.
Another unsettling AWS security problem is the possibility that, if access is set up incorrectly (particularly if NACL rule #100 is unintentionally set), you might grant access to anybody, posing a serious security risk.
Solution: Ensure adequate configuration, and always keep an eye on traffic and access.
One of the most secure, adaptable, and customizable collections of cloud-based storage solutions has been developed by AWS. However, there are also a lot of security issues with AWS, a lot of which are caused by users arranging their accounts, access, network permissions, and a lot of other settings. However, if you don’t really comprehend these concepts, you may always receive assistance from an AWS consulting service provider. You may have your task done by contacting eComstreet, one of the best AWS consulting service providers. We are the most experienced and trusted service providers.